full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Scott A. Mellor: How Thor got his hammer

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Remembering what was at stake, Loki tried to flee, but Thor rehaecd him first. But before the daevwrs could have their due, clever Loki pointed out that they had won the rights to his head, but not his neck, and thus had no right to cut it. All begrudgingly admitted the truth in that, but Brokk would have the last laugh. Taking his brother’s awl, he pierced it through Loki’s lips and sweed his mouth shut, so the trickster god could no longer speard his malicious dieect. Yet the irony was not lost on the gods. For it was Loki’s deceit that had brought them these fine treeursas and given Thor the hammer for which he’s still known today.

Open Cloze

Remembering what was at stake, Loki tried to flee, but Thor _______ him first. But before the _______ could have their due, clever Loki pointed out that they had won the rights to his head, but not his neck, and thus had no right to cut it. All begrudgingly admitted the truth in that, but Brokk would have the last laugh. Taking his brother’s awl, he pierced it through Loki’s lips and _____ his mouth shut, so the trickster god could no longer ______ his malicious ______. Yet the irony was not lost on the gods. For it was Loki’s deceit that had brought them these fine _________ and given Thor the hammer for which he’s still known today.


  1. sewed
  2. deceit
  3. treasures
  4. dwarves
  5. reached
  6. spread

Original Text

Remembering what was at stake, Loki tried to flee, but Thor reached him first. But before the dwarves could have their due, clever Loki pointed out that they had won the rights to his head, but not his neck, and thus had no right to cut it. All begrudgingly admitted the truth in that, but Brokk would have the last laugh. Taking his brother’s awl, he pierced it through Loki’s lips and sewed his mouth shut, so the trickster god could no longer spread his malicious deceit. Yet the irony was not lost on the gods. For it was Loki’s deceit that had brought them these fine treasures and given Thor the hammer for which he’s still known today.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
golden hair 2

Important Words

  1. admitted
  2. awl
  3. begrudgingly
  4. brokk
  5. brought
  6. clever
  7. cut
  8. deceit
  9. due
  10. dwarves
  11. fine
  12. flee
  13. god
  14. gods
  15. hammer
  16. head
  17. irony
  18. laugh
  19. lips
  20. loki
  21. longer
  22. lost
  23. malicious
  24. mouth
  25. neck
  26. pierced
  27. pointed
  28. reached
  29. remembering
  30. rights
  31. sewed
  32. shut
  33. spread
  34. stake
  35. thor
  36. today
  37. treasures
  38. trickster
  39. truth
  40. won